How To STUDY and Score FULL MARKS in SST (The ULTIMATE GUIDE for Class 10 CBSE)

My dear friends!

Do you find SST hard?

Do you want to score FULL MARKS in SST, in Board Exams but don't know how to? 

Don't worry, because I have prepared a STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE which will guarantee help you to reach your goals!

Before starting out the guide, I want to request you, PLEASE study only NCERT! 

NCERT is the Bible and is enough for you to score full marks in all the subjects in Boards except Maths where you will need to take help of RD Sharma.

Many questions are framed by copying exactly the lines of the text given in NCERT and adding words like Explain or Justify at the beginning and Question Mark '?' at the end. So stick to it.

You'll find this everywhere in SST and also the best thing is that the answers to these questions are written just below the line of the text given in NCERT where the question was framed. 

So, it is damn easy to score full marks in it. 

I'm gonna keep it concise.


1. Learn all the events in the order given in the chapter so it will be easy to recall.

2. Make a timeline of the events occurred along with the dates on a sheet of paper and stick it on the room where you spend most of your time in. 

3. Visualize it and try to relate the events with anything, it can be a movie scene too. The stronger you visualize, the more you'll find it easy.

4. Watch documentaries about it so that you understand it wholly. Just search the event, let's say, Unification of Germany, on YouTube. Check it out guys- Best YOUTUBE channels to study from for Class X CBSE BOARD [SAY BYE-BYE TO COACHING CLASSES and TUITIONS]


1. It's same. Understand the events and try to relate it with your day to day life. 

2. Go through the cartoons because they are asked in exams. Understand what the cartoonist is trying to convey through it. 

3. You'll find many answers or explanation are given in points, so understand and remember it in that sequence so that you don't jumble up. 

(If you are someone like me who keeps himself/herself updated with political issues, then this subject will be a lot easier and fun to you. Also, people will start praising you (it was in my case) for your political maturity. So start reading newspapers or watch the news when your study is over.)


1. This subject is full of facts, details and numbers so you'll have to memorize it many times to get it fixed on your brain. Write it on a paper and stick it on the room.

2. Practice map work regularly so that you don't forget where the places are located. 

3. You'll find some parts where you'll have no option other than to byheart (ratta) it. Don't worry, go through them every day and eventually it'll be on your fingertips. 


1. Understanding is the game. That's it.


1. Revision is a must, not only for SST but for all the subject. But in Geography and Political Science, it is crucial.

2. Make notes of important points and keep it with you all the time, and go through it every day. 

<This subject is actually more of understanding and memorizing that's why it wasn't as long and detailed as my Science and Maths guide but it's helpful>

Now it’s time to solve questions given in Textbook. Don’t worry if you get stuck, just google the question and answer will be at your fingertips.

4. Be regular in your studies, and do hardwork otherwise you’ll lag behind and your backlogs will pile up and you’ll feel guilty for wasting this time. So take advantage of this golden opportunity.

Thank You!

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