{The ULTIMATE GUIDE} How to Fall in Love with Science and also score FULL MARKS + Study Techniques (Class X CBSE)

Hey, my friends!

Do you think you could score well in science but don't know how to start?

Do you think that science is not for you just because you find difficulty in understanding it?

If your answer is yes, don't worry because YOUR TUTOR BROTHER has brought the only Ultimate Guide you will ever need to achieve your full potential and become a Science scholar


Before moving to step by step guide, please read this Study technique.


2. Visualize concepts while learning and also relating it

For instance- I visualize DNA copying in reproduction with paper xerox 

A basic event in reproduction is the creation of a DNA copy. Cells use chemical reactions to build copies of their DNA. This creates two copies of the DNA in a reproducing cell, and they will need to be separated from each other. However, keeping one copy of DNA in the original cell and simply pushing the other one out would not work, because the copy pushed out would not have any organised cellular structure for maintaining life processes. Therefore, DNA copying is accompanied by the creation of an additional cellular apparatus, and then the DNA copies separate, each with its own cellular apparatus. Effectively, a cell divided to give rise to two cells. (Source- Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce? from NCERT Science Class X)

I remembered it by relating to it with paper xerox. Let me tell you, xerox machines use technology to build copies of the paper. This creates two copies of the paper given for xerox and they will need to be separated from each other because the owner does not need one. However, keeping one copy of the paper and pushing the other one out would not work because the copy pushed out would not have any owner to take care of and eventually it will get lost. Therefore, when we xerox paper but does not need two then we will give it to somebody else who needs it. By this way, the copy of the paper separate, each with its own cellular apparatus. 

You can see both of the processes are very similar and it helped me not only to visualize it but also relating it to something which I'm more familiar with. Hence, it made the subject easier and fun to me and gradually I love studying it. It also works with Physics and Chemistry, you just need to be creative in thinking. The more you relate it with your normal day to day work, the easier it becomes.

3. Absorb content in small chunks 

Do not try to read everything in one go and expect that you'll understand everything. 

You'll need to Pause, Visualize and Write over what you read and scribble your thoughts, equations or diagrams on a piece of paper and you'll see how much faster you will understand by going slow.


1. Watch a Youtube video on the chapter which you are about to learn before reading it in the textbook and also pay attention in the class. 

(I've sorted out the best Science Youtube channels for you so that you won't waste time searching for the right one - https://yourtutorbrother.blogspot.com/2020/05/best-youtube-channels-to-study-from-for.html )

I always go for NCERT irrespective of the subject expect Maths, and this book was is recommended by All India Rank Toppers of Class X also so you can understand its power. They're also other good reference books like S Chand in the market but I've never read it so I don't know. 

2. Do visualizations and go slow where it is needed. 

3. In beginning, you might feel that the chapter which you are studying is not going into your head but trust me, after a few revisions and putting your own efforts into it will really help. Always clear your doubts from your teacher or Google but never leave it for tomorrow otherwise it will pile up and you will end up having too many backlogs which will later seem unending to you. 

4. Highlight all the important points and read that only next time. It will save you a hell lot of time. 

5. In Diagrams, understand what it is first and practice it in the rough paper without looking into the book. And check whether you've drawn right or not and see the mistakes and learn from them. 

6. Solve In-Text questions and Exercises at the back because they are mostly asked in the Boards, yes! 

7. Questions can be asked anywhere between the chapter so you must be thorough with it. 

For example- Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid. It is because HNO3 is a strong oxidizing agent. It oxidised the H2 produced to water and itself gets reduced to any of the nitrogen oxides (N2O, NO, NO2). But magnesium (Mg) and manganese (Mn) react with very dilute HNO3 to evolve H2 gas. Source- Page no. 44 Chapter-3 Metals and Non Metals. 

This can be asked in the form of "Why Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid?" AND This question is asked many times in the school exams, sample papers and last year solved papers, so probably in Board too.

8. Write down all the equations of Chemistry and formulas of Physics on a paper with different colors so that it may look appealing to you and stick it to the wall where you spend most of your time in and GO THROUGH with it every day. It will get fixed in your head eventually and you'll not have a hard time memorizing it. 

9. In the end, solve many questions (numerical in Physics) as much as possible and a week or two before exams solve many Sample papers, Last year's solved papers to score full marks, yeah literally full marks, in exams considering you've followed everything in the guide.


That's it. It's not at all hard. 

Reading and understanding concepts in Science repeatedly will make you fall in love with the subject. 

Class 10 Science is awesome and it attracts me to read it every time whenever I see it. 

Thanks for reading!

Please share this post of about the blog with your friends and classmates, and tell us how much it has helped you in the comment. If you have any suggestion or complain feel free to comment down after all it is your blog! 

How to STUDY effectively and UTILISE Time during Lockdown + TIMETABLE (For every student, Class X Boards, JEE Aspirants)

Hey guys, so currently Lockdown is going on, and we have abundant time in our hands. It's a golden opportunity to work for our goals ( and this blog post is for everyone who wants to focus sharply on studies, it doesn't matter whether you want to score 95% above in Class X Board exams or land a seat into prestigious IIT's because after all, we all are students)

Unfortunately, due to so many distractions we tend to forget our goals and spend most of our time in unproductive activities which leads to disappointment and also doesn't bring any returns.

Back to normal days, when we'd to go to school and tuitions, we always complained that there is no time to study. But now this excuse don't work. 

It's fine if you haven't started preparing, I'm here to help you! 

1. Wake up early

Every successful people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos wakes up early and complete their most important work in the morning. 

Similarly, if you too wake up early, you will have an ample amount of time which you can invest in your studies and after completing it you can give time to your hobbies, or have fun. 

2. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and annually goals! 

I'm doing this since ages, and setting goals is very important because it keeps you in track and also reminds you of your goals. 

So take a sheet of paper and write down what do you want to achieve today, this week, this month and the whole year (long term-main goal).

You can also say it a "To-Do List".

3. Isolate yourself and cut off any distraction

Yeah, I'm serious. Distractions like Smartphones, TV's, PC's are one of the biggest reasons why one fails to achieve its goals. 

So, choose a time for yourself to study, lock yourself into the room and immerse yourself in the subject which you are studying. 

Make sure there is no source of distraction in your room. 

4. Reward yourself after you met your goals. 


Because when you finally able to complete your goals and reward yourself, it increases the dopamine level in your body. Dopamine hormone is also knowns as happy hormone and when it is released you become happier, proud of yourself that you've reached your goals and you believe yourself that you can achieve anything in this world. 

You can reward yourself in the form of anything, like watching your favourite series on Netflix or chatting with your friends on Insta, etc. 


This timetable is made by me just for your reference, you can follow it if you want but I will suggest you to make your own one! 

6AM - 7AM (Waking up, Morning Rituals, Exercise)

7AM-9AM (Study time, don't forget to take 5-10mins break after every half an hour or forty minutes) 

9AM-9:30AM (Breakfast, meditation)

9:30AM-12PM (Study time)

12PM-1PM (Lunch)


1:30PM-4PM (Study Time) 

4PM-8PM (Chill time)


9PM-9:30PM (Dinner)

9:30PM-11PM (Study)

11:PM-6PM (Good night sleep)


Thanks for reading! If you like my work then please share it with your friends and classmates, and also check out my other posts, it will really help you! 

And, if you want to give any feedback then please feel free to comment down. I'll reply to you within a day. 

The ULTIMATE GUIDE to Score Full Marks in Maths (Class X CBSE)

If you struggle at Maths, or say, you are good at it but want to reach to a level of MASTERY.

Then this post is for you, especially for those students who are going to write Class Xth BOARD Exams this year. 

I'm going to take you to STEP-BY-STEP techniques which will do wonders for you if you follow it. 

It's that simple. 

And, I guarantee you that you will score full marks at Mathematics, assuming you wouldn't make any calculation or silly mistake.


1. Make time for Maths and at least solve 5 problems every day. You can do this anytime. The more you solve, the better you become.

2. Pay attention in the class to your teacher and ask him/her doubt if you have any. AND
watch video lectures of the chapter on Youtube. (I've sorted out the best Maths Youtube channels for you so that you won't waste time searching for the right one - https://yourtutorbrother.blogspot.com/2020/05/best-youtube-channels-to-study-from-for.html )

3. Solve NCERT first or the most basic book which you have if you are not from CBSE. Be thorough with it, go through the pages of the chapter and read the solved examples, theory and summary before jumping to solve the questions. 

4. If you get stuck somewhere, mark it and go to the next question. After you complete your goal (solving 5 or 10 questions or an exercise a day), come back to that question and again try to solve it.
If you are not getting it, then GOOGLE the question and you will get a detailed explanation of the answer within a few seconds. 

5. Once, you've completed a chapter from NCERT, it's time for you to level up. Now you need to solve RD SHARMA and trust me it's one of the best books in the market. I've heard names like RS Agarwal and so, but because I've never purchased them so I don't know about them. In the case of RD Sharma, this book is at my home since 4 years, so I recommend it and also its ENOUGH if you want to score 95% in Maths as it has all types of questions and are divided in many sections like Level 1 and Level 2 and they've explained the lessons to the point. (I'm neither paid by RD Sharma publishers nor anyone else). Also, some questions of RD and RS are the same. 

6. Solve that chapter which you've done in RD, you may get astonished when you see they are an infinite number of questions. But don't worry, solve those questions first which have been asked in CBSE Board before (it is written aside from the question). Also, read the theory and summary because you'll learn many new things which are not given in NCERT but are very important and will be asked in the Boards and school exams.

7. If you feel frustrated of completing the whole chapter then solving solved CBSE examples from RD will alone do wonders for you. Trust me because I've never done unsolved examples as it seemed frustrating to me as well but still I always get good marks at Maths. You just need to keep revising otherwise you'll forget and you'll lose the grip on Maths.

8. If a chapter is full of formulas, write it down on a paper and stick it to the wall where you spend most of your time in and byheart (ratta) it. Practise as many questions as possible from that chapter because then formulas will automatically get fixed to your mind. 

9. Also, practise school worksheets and solve many many many sample papers or last years papers a week or two before the BOARD examination or school exams. 

Last but not the least, you can see that in all the above-mentioned points, PRACTICE was the main thing which was getting repeated. Its because if you want to become a master of Maths, then you will have to practice a hell of times but it is worth it! 

Thanks for reading!! 


Hiiiii, I've brought down a list of some Youtube channels for Class X CBSE Board students which will really help you to score full marks in the board examination. 

So, you don't need to spend lakhs of rupees on coaching classes anymore and wandering on Youtube searching the right source of education for you, because I've arranged them for you in a systematic order. 

(*I'm neither paid by any one of these Youtube channels nor they know me, I've made this post so that it saves your precious time. And, I've also studied from them by watching their videos and they're really good teachers who are teaching on Youtube for free, just like me here.*)





English Academy -



You can see there are many Youtube channels who teach more than one subject. But their way of teaching is so good that I can't resist putting their name on the list, same goes to other channels too which have found their name on the list, 

Comment and tell me what are your reviews after watching their videos and if any suggestion or complaint, please feel free to tell me because after all its YOUR BLOG.

About Your Tutor Brother

Hey everyone!

It's Your Tutor Brother who is putting his heart and soul into this blog so that everyone can achieve their full potential of scoring FULL MARKS in Class 10th CBSE Board Exams regardless of his/her background.

Here, you will get every resource which you need to become your best version and fulfill you dream of becoming Class 10th CBSE Topper ranging from STUDY MATERIAL, TIPS & TRICKS,
TOPPER'S NOTES, TOPPER'S STUDY HACKS and many things, you just name it, for absolutely FREE! because we believe everyone has the right to education and should given same opportunity.

We guarantee you that every posts on this blog are authentic and genuine, and you just need to be dedicated to your goal and give your full potential into it!

Little about the blogger-

I'm Antariksh Rajkonwar, from Mumbai, India. I'd decided to make this blog on 12 May 2020 to help, impact and change many students lives all over the world as much as possible through this blog. I'm in 11th and have gone through this amazing journey of 10th so I really know each and everything what's important in 10th and what's not so you can freely trust me, my friend. I'll run this blog side by side with my 11th studies.

My Academic Achievement- 95.2% in CBSE Class 10th 2020 Board Examination

If you want to ask anything or give a suggestion/complaint then please feel free to comment. I'll try to reply you within a day.

Thanks for reading!

The ULTIMATE GUIDE to Score Full Marks in Maths (Class X CBSE)

If you struggle at Maths, or say, you are good at it but want to reach to a level of MASTERY. Then this post is for you, especially...